This is a partially developed activity description. It is included in the collection because it contains ideas useful for teaching even though it is incomplete.

Initial Publication Date: February 11, 2008

Where in the World is El Nino?

Michelle Kinzel, Tamara Ledley, Steven Lloyd
Topic: El Nino and surface temperature changes over the season
Course Type: intro


Students use Geovianni Surface Air Temperature Ascending/Daytime—AIRS satellite
Set temperature range from 290-310K and then narrow (why do you want to narrow 300-310K , then 296-304K
Students will explore the tropics to see where the El Nino anomalies are.


Have students examine color patterns and hypothesize the areas of the greatest potential impacts coreletlated with dates.

Correlate dates with new reports to see if their hypotheses are consistent.


Scenario specific:
Ask if you were an anchovy fisherman in Peru when will you have a better catch.


Task based assessment :
Give graph of anchovy catch—what is the correlation with SST—what might caught that.

Use same techniques in another region:
Focus the first activity in the ocean and then have the assessment focus on the land.


Internet, graph of anchovy catches. Atlases.