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Underrepresented Minority Students

Creating space for critical conversations in chemistry: Lessons Learned from organizing DEIJR Symposia at national meetings of the American Chemical Society

Posted: Sep 13 2023 by

Guizella Rocabado
Southern Utah University

Stephanie Feola
University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Guizella Rocabado, Southern Utah University

Stephanie Feola, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Author Note: This is one of two blog series. This first post is written by Guizella Rocabado.

Change Topics (Working Groups): Equity and Inclusion, Change Leaders
Target Audience: Graduate Students, Post-doctoral Fellows, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, Institution Administration, Non-tenure Track Faculty, Underrepresented Minority Students, College/University Staff
Program Components: Professional Development:Accessibility, Diversity/Inclusion, Institutional Systems:Evaluating Teaching, Outreach:Presentations/Talks

Creating space for discussions and presentations about issues of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Respect (DEIJR) is a means of building momentum for systemic change in discipline-based education research (DBER) communities. In this two-part blog, I, Guizella Rocabado, and co-organizer Stephanie Feola, will share the lessons we've learned throughout this change process. In this first installment, we will describe the lessons learned from instituting the change of creating a space for DEIJR research and conversations during the American Chemical Society National Meetings. In the second installment, we will share how the focus of the presentations, the nature of the discussions, and theorizing about DEIJR have changed since we began organizing the symposium in 2019 and draw implications for systemic change.


The Power (and necessity) of Students in Systemic Change

Posted: Sep 28 2017 by Marcos Montes and Dr. Rob Shorette
Change Topics (Working Groups): Change Leaders
Target Audience: Graduate Students, Transfer Students, First Generation College Students, Teaching/Learning Assistants, Underrepresented Minority Students, Undergraduate Non-Majors, First-year College Students, Undergraduate Majors
Program Components: Supporting Students:Student Engagement

Almost any change in higher education is difficult. And slow. Systemic change, which produces seismic shifts in the operations and culture of an organization, is even more difficult to achieve. Or in the words of another ASCN blogger Jeanne Century, "the stakes are much higher and the challenge is greater." Particularly for public higher education institutions, there is no shortage of stakeholder groups with keen interests in the outcomes of systemic change efforts, including faculty, staff, administrators, lawmakers, community members, and the general public. Certainly, a process that authentically includes all of these stakeholder groups and reflects the varying perspectives each bring to the table is essential to successful change. However, no group has as much at stake when it comes to systemic change in higher education as students. More