About the ASCN Blog

Invitation to Contributors

We invite blogs that support the mission statements of ASCN Equity and Inclusion Working Group or the broader ASCN mission. Posts may be authored at the invitation of the WG5 editorial board, by invitation from the ASCN Hub, or by author submission.

ASCN Blog Invitation

The ASCN blog is a platform to engage scholars and practitioners, those who are already involved with ASCN work, and the wider community of researchers and practitioners who are engaged in or supporting pedagogical, curricular, and culture change in higher education. The blog serves to:

  1. Inform stakeholders about the work of ASCN (updates from the working groups, highlights about resources on our site, information about our meetings and conferences, etc.).
  2. Disseminate knowledge and expertise of scholars and practitioners by encouraging guest posts that align with the vision of the ASCN, show clear connection to our work, and contribute to learning and sharing knowledge or expertise.
  3. Facilitate discussions about relevant frameworks, articles, books, and tools that align with the vision and principles of ASCN but also support change agents everywhere.

ASCN Diversity Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice in STEMM Blog

The ASCN Equity and Inclusion Working Group are calling for blog posts around diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI), and social justice in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) programs, classrooms and departments. Some potential areas for discussion include:

  • Changing the culture around introductory "weed out" courses
  • Defining what diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice mean in the classroom
  • Creating diversity statements for STEMM departments
  • Approaching positionality in the classroom
  • Addressing the pushback to Critical Race Theory on campuses
  • Including historically marginalized students in decision-making processes 

If you have an idea for a blog post, please contact us at cricpe-ascn@wmich.edu with the subject line: "ASCN Blog". In the body of your email please include:

  • the topic of your blog;
  • co-author(s);
  • a description of how the blog relates to the Working Group 5 Mission or ASCN mission;

Terms of Use

The Editors hope that you will enjoy the ASCN blog, and find insights that you can use in your profession or daily life. If you do use an idea from the ASCN blog in your work, you must cite it. For most publications, the citation for an online reference should include the author, publication date, title of the post, title of the site, and the URL. Some publications also require the date that you viewed the site.

If you develop an institutional change project based on an idea that you gleaned from the ASCN blog, please let us know. Developing and collecting new new and interdisciplinary research on institutional change is one of the goals of the project.

Authors of the ASCN blog posts retain the copyright to their work. However, we encourage the dissemination of the material on this site for noncommercial purposes (like education), as long as attribution is retained. To this end, the material on this site is offered under a Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 .

Illustrations used in the ASCN blog posts are either the original work of the blog post author, in the public domain, used with permission of the copyright holder, made available through a Creative Commons license, or a small part of a copyrighted work used under fair use for criticism or in a transformative manner. Clicking on the illustration will bring up a page of information about the illustration, including format, size, provenance and conditions for reuse. Please respect any conditions on reuse.

Guidelines for Commenting

Although anyone may read the ASCN blog, if you want to post a comment you will be asked to register. To register, you will be asked for your name and email address. The editors reserve the right to delete comments and/or suspend accounts whenever we judge it in the best interests of our mission.

In preparing your comment, please keep in mind:

  • ASCN expects to venture into controversial topics and provocative ideas. Even if you feel strongly about a topic, please comment with civility and respect. Ad hominem attacks will be deleted.
  • ASCN values opinions and intuitions. However, make it clear when you are expressing an opinion. Don't state an opinion as fact.
  • When citing facts, please provide references or links, or make it clear that you are describing what you saw or experienced personally.
  • If you want to include material from the published work of others, stay within the "fair use" guidelines of the Bloggers' Legal Guide. In general, this means copying only a small portion of a published work, using the material in a "transformative" manner, and providing a credit or citation for the source.
  • By commenting on this blog, you give permission for use and redistribution of your comment with attribution under a Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0